Pokemon gay sex literotica

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Henry mentioned a stripper pole in his bedroom, so Ash asked if Misty could use it to practice. Working as a stripper, you'll easily make enough money for both of us to go!'Įxcited to attend the prestigious competition, Misty responds, 'Then sign me up! Where do we begin?'Īt the University, Ash met a new friend named Henry. That's why your professors go so easy on you. Without hesitation, Misty takes her bra off.Īsh's eyes widen as drool runs down his chin, 'Perfect! Just as I suspected! Misty, you have beautiful boobs! You are a very sexy woman. 'Of course, I trust you, Ash! You're my best friend!' Where will I get that kinda money in just two weeks?!?'Īsh quickly replies, 'Hmm. Misty does an online search, then responds, 'Ash, I just checked online between travel and hotel, it's gonna cost $2,500. The competition begins in just two weeks!' 'Misty! I just found out the Ultimate Water Pokemon Competition will be near Mirage Kingdom. Just as she begins practicing advanced water Pokemon attacks, Ash comes rushing through the door. Misty's dream is to be the best Water Pokemon Master the world has ever seen, and nothing will stand between Misty and her goals! Misty is studying up on water Pokemon strategies to prepare for the next competition.

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